Physiotherapy Conditions Treated
Leyland Physio treats a wide range of physiotherapy conditions from back ache and neck pain to joint problems, sports injuries, repetitive strain injuries, neurological problems and strains and pain during pregnancy.
Our physiotherapists look at the whole body rather than just the injury or illness you have presented with, so they can also offer you advice on lifestyle issues, posture and the prevention of further problems occurring.
This is not an exhaustive list but covers many of the physiotherapy conditions we see regularly at the center. If you are affected by any of these conditions, or by a condition which is not listed below, please contact us to find out how we can help.
Back and Neck Pain
Back and neck pain can occur due to many different causes. These may include Disc injury, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, muscular strain, sacroiliac dysfunction, nerve injury, whiplash, spondylolisthesis and inflammatory arthritis to name but a few.
Lower back pain probably the most common complaint presenting at Leyland Physiotherapy. 80% of people will experience lower back pain at some point in their life, the most common presentation being non-specific back pain (pain with no obvious cause). With prompt treatment and advice over 90% of patients with back pain make a full recovery within 6-8 weeks. Where there are symptoms including leg pain this is called a radiculopathy (sciatica) and can take longer to settle. We are highly skilled at assessing and recognising patients that require urgent onward referral in the rare instant that a more serious pathology is suspected or that surgery may well be required.
Whiplash Injury
This injury occurs when a force is applied at speed resulting in uncontrolled joint translation to extremes for example during a road traffic collision. The resultant ligament and muscle strain in the neck or back can leave the patient in extreme pain. With the therapeutic techniques at our disposal we are able to quickly relieve pain and restore normal movement patterns.
Post-op rehab
All of our therapists have experience in rehabilitating patients post-operatively. Whether you have had a rotator cuff repair, shoulder debridement, ACL reconstruction, Achilles repair, knee replacement, shoulder replacement, hip replacement, ankle replacement, post-fracture or carpal tunnel release, we have the expertise to treat you.
Neurological Conditions
Living with a neurological condition can be extremely challenging, not just physically but also emotionally. Our extremely well-trained therapists use Bobath techniques to normalise tone and retrain correct muscle memory. Positive attitude, normalised tone and improved balance and strength all help to restore normal movement patterns and therefore help regain patient independence. We specialise in working with patients affected by: Stroke, Parkinsons, MS and Bells Palsy.
Sports Injuries

The intensity, repetitiveness and frequency of sport can leave patients vulnerable to injury. We have wide range of knowledge on most sporting injury presentations. Prompt intervention is key. Advice can be invaluable to prevent a delay on recovery or on relevant investigation we deem necessary. In order to prevent reoccurrence all parameters of fitness need to be addresses mainly flexibility, strength, balance, endurance and propulsion. Our physios endeavour to retrain all these aspects. Common injuries that present include: Joint impingements, groin injury, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, ankle sprain, knee ligament/meniscal injury, dead leg/haematoma and tendon injury.
Joint problems

Simply gaining advice on Pacing, exercising and more about the condition can help patients cope with ongoing self management.
Injuries to the soft tissue in and around the joint can cause significant symptoms. Our physiotherapists are all trained in thorough joint assessment and are able to recognised suspected bony injury, cartilage tears, ligament tears and strains etc. If we feel there are indications for further investigation. we will direct the patient accordingly with a supporting letter.
Repetitive Strain Injury

Repetitive Strain Injury, or RSI, are painful physiotherapy conditions caused by overuse and strain to the muscles, joints and nerves. Sedentary lifestyles, poor posture and reduced core muscle stability all encourage muscle imbalances in the body and over a period of time small, repetitive strain symptoms start to appear, with pain and restriction in function. At Leyland Physiotherapy we treat the repetitive strain injury itself, as well as offering rehabilitation of all the causal factors, including posture, to promote a full recovery. Some of the RSI conditions and affected areas include: Carpal tunnel syndrome, Impingement, rotator Cuff Injury, Tendonitis, Bursitis and DeQuervain syndrome.
Hormonal changes present during pregnancy help to prepare the pelvic joints for flexibility during the birthing process. Unfortunately, as a result, joint stability is reduced and sacro-iliac joints can become more vulnerable to injury. We know that mobilisation techniques for these joints help to reduce pain and restore function when used in conjunction with posture correction and concise exercises, and we work with pregnant women to treat these problems. The most common presentations we treat are: Sacroiliac Joint problems, Carpal Tunnel, Low back pain and pelvic pain.